We are experts in well-being work environments

Inclusion and healthy working environments

Successful planning is based on the participation of the users of the facilities. It is important to hear and understand the needs of the users from the beginning. Strategy and organizational culture guide the design of the work environment. When changes are made, it is good to think about the parts of the whole at the same time: how all the operations take place in the premises, how the changes affect the operations. It is good to practice the changes even before the facilities are put into use. At best, strategy, culture, users and facilities are aligned.

The main concerns of hybrid work are:

  • New ways of working require a new kind of management and new rules of the game
  • Challenges in interaction and internal communication
  • Dispersion of the organization’s culture and sense of community
  • Challenges in joint innovation and creating something new
  • Inappropriate premises and furniture
  • Scarcity of social interaction and support inherent to humans

Our solution is the CDM Involver involvement solution:

  • Provides information for planning and managing the work environment
  • Employee experience of the current situation in relation to how and where work will be done in the future
  • Space requirements and atmosphere design for working in the office
  • Game rules that facilitate cooperation and increase community spirit
  • The participation of the users of the premises in the change of the working environment